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Home Base

Home Base

The old hangouts have changed and so has her boss, Jennifer. Home Base, Book 3 in the 12 Months to Play serial, is all about Kelsey getting comfortable in her new town and making the most of her last week before work. Lawyers, bartenders, and old flames - so many options for this long-distance swinger, and the sex appeal around her is almost as strong as she is.

After over a decade of being with one man, this year apart is all about practice. Her confidence and curves turn heads, her power and prowess amplify desires, and her hunger is insatiable. Follow along as Kelsey Washington travels the country and the world. She’s ready to spread her wings…and her legs.

**Home Base is Book 3 in the 12 Months to Play series and is a complete, stand-alone story.**

A note on purchase options: Smashwords, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Kobo all serve an international audience. The option to purchase via Apple iBooks is limited to the USA.

Reviews:Maggie Olson on Goodreads wrote:

Oh, wow, Fable Noir turned up the heat! This book is erotic a.f. (Haha, see what I did there?) I'm not gonna lie, I've been waiting for some f/f in this series. And boy did this story deliver! I can't wait to see what's next for Dr. Washington!

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